Sunday, October 28, 2018


We’re upping the ante,
getting down to business,
fire is oozing,
sourced at the core
out the pores of
our mother,
Tierra Madre.
Urgency flows
down hills and through
the common streets,
forming new territory
white hot to blazing red
to black.
All things are possible in that fertile ground.
Born of creation,
my Soul is lava,
She’s on fire.


Without words, 
my language is soul to soul.

I shift from defining and divining.

In the silence,
I can hear the ancient listening rhythm.

In the silence,
an exotic yet mundane muse lives.

She draws me, 
deep and in to writhe in her freedom.

She yearns for more!

Let’s dance, my Beloved.

Saturday, October 20, 2018


You are home from work and have the evening ahead of you.
You returned from a meal with a friend and have to choose what's next.
You have had a mildly disturbing communication or event but have a few hours to yourself.
You have made beautiful love with your beloved and are now in your own space again.
Transitions like these often come to me as a little tightness and anxiety. You know these moments, in between?
In these tidal shifts, I often have a strong urge to turn towards avoidance rather than feel the discomfort.
It's a little grief, an initial stage of being with an ending, and the empty space of the moment after being engaged, connected, or even upset.
It's also a release of the energetic imprint of the people and activities; a return to being with a felt sense of aloneness (not loneliness).
How do we honor these sometimes indirect yet defining moments throughout our day?
When I allow myself to feel and listen to the subtle yet persuasive feelings and voice inside, inspiration eventually comes when I allow myself to be with the discomfort first.
Initially I feel squeamish and resistant, yet there's a bigger allowing that is spacious and welcomes me.
The mind discharges through thoughts, I let it ramble... I go to complete stillness and the body relaxes, the breath re-attunes, all that has been releases.
A calm sweeps over me. I feel gratitude for where I've been and the knowing that I'm moving towards aliveness, I'm excited to discover what will happen next!
I feel a distinct shift and reenter the place where I have access to life, to where my Soul lives in me.
I'm left with delicious surrender to my Soul's longing. Once she speaks, my body, heart and mind are all inspired and devoted to serve her and I am delighted with whatever she dictates.

Sunday, October 14, 2018


Because I dive into the dark shadows, 
I have the light of heaven living on earth.

Because my broken parts get more of my love, 
not less, 
I have ever more capacity for compassion.

Because I give pain space to exist, 
I enjoy exquisite pleasure.

Because of the dark shadow, light. 
Because of the wound, compassion,
Because of the pain, pleasure.

Be the cause of your life, because.

Saturday, October 13, 2018


When I let my heart speak
I hear roses in the wind
When I let my heart speak
I smell the fragrance of my lover’s skin on a hot afternoon
When I let my heart speak
The rhythm of the day is a beautiful melody
When I let my heart speak
Chaos is the perfect form,
pain is a portal to infinity,
and pleasure is my birthright.
When I let my heart speak ~
My spirit twirls freely in delight,
the mystery makes perfect sense, and
love is all there is.