Thursday, August 11, 2016


Love, a steady flow of 
gentle and ferocious, and
of pervasive purpose.

She yearns to hold that which believes 
is unworthy of the embrace.
For that, love is a trickster.

She'll show you the most tender beauty,
not to simply enjoy forever-after,
or to hold onto with a white-knuckled grip,
but to use as a sacred demonstration.

So when you look into your Beloved’s eyes,
and there’s a disruption, 
and it’s shaky ground;
remember her.

When the chemistry of emotion stalks
you like a pack of wild wolves;
remember her.

When life’s howling waves of 
grief and sadness, and
fury and fear appear;
remember her.

Love can be so sweet, 
yet, she can’t help but be herself. 
She will permeate the darkest and 
deepest crevices of your existence.

Don’t get in her way. Ready or not, let her in. Let her have her way with you, without a fight. Give into the pack, let them rip you to shreds, if that's what it takes.

And then, maybe then, you can even forget about "god",
and recognize it's all about love.

Love is always around, she silently tracks you.
She is there, even when you don’t think you feel her.

She is a magic wand, with invisible arms
wrapped around our hearts,
always, and in all ways.

Remember her.

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